from the archives: Have you been titularised lately?
February 14, 2004
February greetings to all!
The above-noted question is purely rhetorical. I really have no interest in knowing the various and sundry ways in which you might want to interpret it. It is in fact Euro-speak for being converted from a “temporary auxiliary” (long-term temporary European Commission employee) to a “fonctionnaire” (permanent EC employee) - impenetrable jargon, I know. Not only am I learning French at night school, I have a whole new English vocabulary during the day! Other fun made-up words include Comitology - the Commission Committee system. It is so complex I just completed at three day course on the subject and still have some lingering doubts that I understand it. The course, however, was good, and provided a much-needed opportunity to meet some interesting people from other parts of the Commission. It is not an easy bureaucracy to break into, and of course, I’m very impatient since I have only a few more weeks to do it.
Interesting thing about the course too, is that one does not “take” a course here; one “follows” a course. I believe this is another French influence where one might “suivre” but not “prendre” un cours. It really is endless hours of entertainment to analyze the language and the various ways in which its form is being altered.
On the food front, I have at last broken down and had my first waffle from a street vendor - oh my god they are good! It provided further evidence that this is an entire country of people who agree with me on the truly essentials oils - butter, oil, lard, mayonnaise - rather than those marketed to provide psychological well-well-being (with apologies to those among you who do that very marketing). I actually have made quite a break-through in the grocery store here, and have decided as much as possible to buy things I cannot get in Canada - rabbit, tripe cream cheese, tripe brewed beer - although I went too far when I bought blood sausage. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but provide to be a bit stomach-turning in the final analysis (fortunately they are not expensive).
Musically speaking, I have had some interesting experiences. Last weekend I attended “Violonecelle 2004” - a all-day all-cello extravaganza. The final concert included everyone playing Pachelbel’s Canon in six parts. There were 77 cellists playing. Because I had to leave early for an orchestra rehearsal, I was not one of them, but heard the rehearsal which was truly inspiring. Last night I played my first concert with the Bruocsella Orchestra, a full orchestra composed primarily of expats (largely brits). We played moderately well, to a smallish audience. Afterwards however provided a welcome opportunity for drinking with the orch members. I was actually out until midnight!
I have a newly acquired addiction to Harry Potter - having scoffed at these books as childish, I finally succumbed and have now devoured the first three and about to begin number four. For balance, I have read the new Ann Marie McDonald and am half-through the new Margaret Atwood. Why, you ask, the renewed interest in novels? No TV. How completely liberating! However, I am desperate to know what is going on in West Wing and (OK, here’s an admission) Y&R, if anyone can oblige me.
I have begun French classes two nights each week. Not surprisingly, given the state of the Huron County language teaching (taught by English speakers and whackos - ask me how much French I learned listening to the White Album, the teaching methodology of our high school French teacher), I am way ahead in grammar and written French, but really abysmal at the oral component. The class is made up of people from each continent with me the sole North American. There are many Eastern Europeans, preparing for the enlargement of the EU to happen later this year. With the classes and with the language CD ROM I use at home, surely I will eventually feel the confidence required to speak the bloody language!
Anyway, must go for now. I welcome your news when and if you are able to send it.
Celia +32-494-28-98-09
PS To those who were impressed at me having my own paper punch at work (and indeed this was momentous) as surprised as I was at having one, I am even more surprised that it has disappeared. I am concerned that, with the enhanced Commission internal controls, I will somehow be on the hook for it when I leave. This causes me some worry.
PSS For those who share my obsessions, I continue away at Spider Solitaire and have developed a certain prowess at four suits